This is just a continuation of the 2023 article, back when E Stew Productions was managing the front gate and had quality guarantees on volunteer and vendor form processing. The golden days for the customers. You can expect things to move a little bit differently if you are applying to be a volunteer or a vendor this year.

     I won't be there to manage the front gate admission, and I'm not monitoring the customer messages. Jonathan is just gonna let me know when he wants me to process some applications. I was guaranteeing the response time on those to be within one to two weeks last year. It may take up to a month now, or even longer.

     The new website is fantastic, it does everything possible that a music festival could need. It is very helpful with management too, many things are automated and streamlined. This is a big bonus for any festival operators for the cost savings, even more so the hassle reduction there.

     Even with the efficiency it brings, it still requires the operator of the event to look at the customer messages and honor the deals. It can't do everything. It is not all-powerful, just a powerful tool. And they are really cool, so that's a big bonus always. The cool factor.

     If you are purchasing your admission the normal way through the website, then you should not have to worry too much about any of this. Except that there may not be register workers or a mobile hotspot out there, or what, I don't know. I am not responsible anymore! Hallelujah! Man! That feels good. I'm feeling good like James Brown up in here! "I knew that I would now, I feel good"