Now offering management services for music festivals, or any type of event. Marketing, advertising, ticket sales, application forms and more. There are a lot of hairy organizational tasks that get spread out over long periods of time leading up to events, and with the aid of computers those tasks can be easy to operate and responsive for the customers.

     The E Stew Productions website design is one set of software solutions for the event. It covers the ticket sales entirely, and can also collect forms for things like vendors, volunteers or entertainment booking. With a variety of Google apps like Calendar and Sheets, E Stew Productions can manage and process these items throughout the year, leading up to the event.

     Register service is available on-site. It really does not take much, just a laptop and a cash drawer—if you even need cash at all. The orders can be easily looked up on the website, once someone with an authorized account has logged in. It can be configured so that customers can be checked in when they arrive. That's if you don't mail them and render on-site instead. This is simpler in a way, but your order processing on-site will be more complicated, and therefore slower. You can always ship them out, it will kick out an email with a tracking code when you do. However you choose to manage your event, I may be able to service your event on-site, but more likely we can just train a few workers on how to operate the website for order processing. Please email me if you have any ideas or questions.